Tools for Mentoring

Purchase Tools for Mentoring

Includes all of the following modules.
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Each of the 19 modules are available individually:

Evangelism equips you to communicate the gospel message clearly, tell your story, bridge a conversation to spiritual matters, and more.
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Water Baptism
Water Baptism guides you through the spiritual reality baptism illustrates, the example of first-century believers, and preparation for baptism.
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Baptism with the Holy Spirit
Baptism with the Holy Spirit includes what the baptism with the Holy Spirit is and how to experience it, answers to common questions, and how to access the nine supernatural gifts.
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Overcoming Sin
Overcoming Sin covers the steps to overcoming sin and old habits, what the journey of change looks like, how to escape temptation, and more.
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The Bible
The Bible includes the reliability of the Bible, how to cultivate a regular time with God, how to study, memorize, meditate on Scripture, and guidelines for understanding each type of literature in the Bible.
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Prayer includes how to hear God speaking to you, ways to pray, the significance of your prayers, fasting, praying in a group, and more.
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Repentance and Making a Moral Inventory
Repentance and Making a Moral Inventory includes discovering repentance as God's invitation to freedom and making a past-resolving inventory.
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Forgiving includes the reasons to forgive, what the process looks like, and how to treat the offender.
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The Yielded Life
The Yielded Life presents the paradoxical freedom of the surrendered life, and what it looks like to deny the self-serving use of position, approval, finances, time, and other life areas.
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Sex and Dating
Sex and Dating includes God's intention for sex, healthy boundaries and how to maintain them, what to look for in a dating relationship, how to break up, pornography, homosexuality, and finding forgiveness and healing.
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Time Management
Time Management includes discovering and implementing life priorities so that you spend your days on what really matters. You'll find useful ways to use your smart phone or other device to get things done with less stress.
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Financial Management
Financial Management includes how to manage God's resources wisely by planning, saving, managing prosperity, and giving, while overcoming debt and subtle forms of greed. A budget planning form is included.
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Guidance includes questions and biblical principles to help you evaluate your choices. It describes guidance from the Holy Spirit's inner voice, the Bible, dreams, supernatural gifts, circumstances, and so on.
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Talking Christianly
Talking Christianly equips you to have a great conversation, speak in life-giving ways, sidestep gossip, give and receive feedback, resolve conflicts, and more.
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Work Ethic
Work Ethic includes finding significance in your work, biblical work ethics, attitudes, and habits, and taking a restorative Sabbath.
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Worship guides you through how to cultivate a God-focused posture and includes thematic groups of psalms to use for personal or group worship.
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Suffering includes how to respond to persecution, avoid resentment, complaining, or self-pity, and processing many questions such as Is God good? or Why is there suffering?.
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Authority includes using power like Jesus taught, what submission looks like and its limits, responding to weakness in authorities, and relating biblically in the church, workplace, marriage, and other relationships.
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Missions equips you with perspective, purpose, and doable ways to make God known to someone on the other side of the globe, and your neighbor. It includes resources and effective ways to befriend an international student, pray strategically, and live intentionally as a global-minded Christian.
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