Tools for Mentoring

Chi Alpha Campus Missionary In Training Objectives

Tools for Mentoring modules are listed with the objectives they would contribute toward fulfilling.

The CMIT director should use the objectives to plan his/her program. He/She should plan specific experiences so that the CMIT meets each objective. Some objectives list "required experiences" with the notation "Req. exp." Add to these any other experiences necessary to fulfill each objective.

The CMIT should have a weekly meeting with the CMIT director/supervisor for the purpose of character development, pastoral care, internship evaluation, and continuing education.

Campus Missionary Character and Personal Qualities

  1. Evidences a life of personal devotion and spiritual disciplines.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should be exposed to a variety of spiritual disciplines so they will be able to build on them during their years of vocational ministry.

Tools for Mentoring modules:

  • Prayer
  • Bible (section: Interacting with the Bible)

  1. Evidences a life with healthy boundaries, balancing ministry and family

Tools for Mentoring modules:

  • Work Ethic (section: Sabbath)
  • Time Management

  1. Evidences a life of honesty, integrity, and moral purity in his/her sexuality, in financial dealings, in words: truth-telling, refrains from gossip or critical words, keeps confidences

Tools for Mentoring modules:

  • Talking Christianly (sections: Some Instructions for Talking Christianly, How You Think is How You'll Speak, What to do with Negative Information),
  • Sex and Dating (sections: Boundaries, Masturbation, Pornography, Homosexuality)
  • Financial Management (sections: Stealing, Debt, Living for Temporal Pursuits)

  1. Evidences a strong work ethic: self-motivated, self-starting, self-directing.

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Work Ethic

  1. Evidences a missional life orientation, including personal evangelism

Tools for Mentoring modules:

  • Evangelism (sections: Compelled by Love, Evangelism is War, Make the Message Clear, One-Verse Evangelism, Deciding to Follow Jesus, Your story, God's Story, Moving the Conversation to Spiritual Matters)
  • Missions (sections: God of All Nations, God's Big Idea, Abraham's Spiritual Heirs)

  1. Evidences a commitment to life-long learning

  2. Evidences a strong sense of calling.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should have resolved the issue of their calling in ministry.

  1. Evidences self-awareness and personal maturity. Communicates feelings, thoughts, and desires healthily.

  1. Evidences effective people skills: relates authentically and transparently, is others focused, hospitable, and friendly.
    1. Req. exp: The director/supervisor should coach the CMIT toward significant growth in relationship building skills.

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Talking Christianly (section: Ministry of Conversation)

  1. Relates appropriately to authority: submits to authority with a good attitude; uses positions of authority to serve with humility; is a team worker; accepts correction willingly.

Tools for Mentoring modules:

  • Authority (sections: Submission to God and to One Another, Responding to Authority, Rebellion, Leading Like Jesus, Spiritual Leaders, Responding to Weakness in Authorities, How to Submit with a Right Attitude, How to Appeal for a Change, Limits to Submission)
  •  Talking Christianly (sections: Giving and Receiving Feedback or Correction)

  1. Evidences a life of personal discipline physically, financially, and in use of time.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should leave the internship with a basic organizational system in place to properly manage their resources, time, and finances.

Tools for Mentoring modules:

  • Time Management
  • Financial Management

  1. Has emotional stability: Handles stress appropriately, is self-controlled, does not allow moods to affect work.

Organizational Competencies

  1. Able to receive credentials at the conclusion of CMIT program.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should complete the studies for ministerial credentials.

  1. Able to relate to and connect to AOG and CACM on the local, district, and national levels.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should clearly understand the national system for campus missionary appointment.
    2. Req. exp: The CMIT should be introduced to the local Assemblies of God pastors in the city, a district official, and sectional presbyter.  Each CMIT should have several opportunities for informal conversation with Assemblies of God pastors and officials.

  1. Able to develop and maintain a support team
    1. Req. exp: He/she should clarify his/her calling, learn to put his/her vision into words, and learn to walk by faith and interdependence with others.

  1. Able to understand personal budgeting and tax preparation.

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Financial Management (sections: Managing God's Resources Wisely, Budget Plan)

Ministry Skills Competencies

  1. Able to evaluate and articulate his/her environment (current collegiate culture) including but not limited to evaluating needs, developing appropriate evangelism strategies, promotion, evaluating effectiveness.

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Sex and Dating (section: Homosexuality)

  1. Able to minister cross-culturally, including international students.

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Missions (sections: Go, Resources for International Students)

  1. Able to administrate personal and ministry time, financial, and human resources including but not limited to planning events
    1. Req. exp.: The CMIT should have an administrative responsibility to learn the process of planning, delegation, teamwork, accountability, success, and evaluation of labor completed.

  1. Able to develop appropriate structures and training for student leadership development.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT must complete the discipleship training offered in the campus ministry.
    2. Req. exp: The CMIT should have several opportunities to observe the staff conducting student leadership meetings.

  1. Able to communicate effectively verbally including preaching, teaching, leading discussions.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should have several opportunities to communicate in public situations, i.e., main weekly meeting, discipleship small groups, Chi Alpha classes, and in other venues

  1. Able to provide leadership: attracts a following; evidences a servant- leadership posture.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should have several opportunities to observe a staff meeting.

Tools for Mentoring modules:

  • Authority (sections: Leading Like Jesus, Limits to Serving, Spiritual Leaders)

  1. Able to plan and execute a missions' experience 
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should participate in a mission opportunity, either foreign or national.

  1. Able to build a reproducible community of disciples: small groups, one-on-ones.
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT must lead a small group and disciple the members one-on-one.

Tools for Mentoring: curriculum for one-on-ones

  • Section: How to Use Tools for Mentoring

  1. Able to provide rudimentary biblical coaching

  1. Able to operate in the gifts of the Spirit

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Baptism with the Holy Spirit (sections: Keep Being Filled with the Holy Spirit, How to Use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit)

  1. Able to communicate effectively in writing, including but not limited to newsletters.

  1. Able to complete strategic thinking.

Intellectual/Educational Competencies (see "The Study Program")

  1. Able to explain/defend core theological doctrines/issues
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should be exposed to theological studies that expand their perspective and develop their study skills.

  1. Able to explain/defend Pentecostal theology
    1. Req. exp: The CMIT should leave with a Pentecostal theology of the Spirit and experiences of life in the Spirit including praying for others to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Baptism with the Holy Spirit (sections: The Trinity, Experience All Three Persons of God, The Promise of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is for You, Some Common Questions)

  1. Able to exegete the Bible properly

Tools for Mentoring module:

  • Bible (sections: How to Interact with the Bible, Study the Bible, Study Questions, General Guidelines for Interpreting Scripture, Guidelines for Interpreting Types of Literature)

  1. Able to explain/defend women's full access to leadership in the body of Christ.

  1. Able to identify, define, and explain various world religions.



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